We deliver turnkey solutions for specific industry challenges, transferring experience and technology across them.

Our strong expertise and deep knowledge of the industry ensure the delivery of reliable and sophisticated solutions for aircraft systems. We can support you with:
- Thermal, Vibration and Acoustic performance
- Concept Design
- System Reliability
- Prototype build and supplier management
- System test and Validation
Our team has year of experience working with OEMs and Tier one Suppliers. Providing support in all manufacturing, from the concept through to industrialisation. We can support you with:
- Electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical Analysis
- Design and prototype for Manufacturing
- Powertrain Architecture Optimisation
- Electrical System Optimisation
- Inverter Selection and Development
- Battery pack sizing & cell selection
- Battery Dynamics and Degradation Analysis
- System Test & Validation

Our Engineering expertise with Marine systems creates a solid foundation to provide robust engineering. We can support you with:
- The selection and installation of power system
- Integration of Batteries, Inverters, and Motors into Marine Control Systems
- Energy usage prediction and analysis
- Simulation and verification of the systems
- Understand the use case and the potential benefits
- System Test & Validation
AGVs & Automation
We help to reduce our client’s costs and increase profitability, by working in their AGVs system.
We deliver turn-key automation system solutions to help them to improve their system’s efficiency. We support on engineering challenges related to:
- System improvement: Robustness & Quality
- Supporting flexible and complex integrations
- Ensuring Scalability
- Checking System health

Do you have a project that requires testing of Electric Vehicle Components ?
Talk to our team to find out how we can support your testing requirements